Computer Science Undergraduate
University of Colombo School of
Hello! I am Akthar Farvees. An avid tech enthusiast and a Computer Science undergraduate at the University of Colombo School of Computing.
Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the Telecommunications industry. Skilled in all dimensions of web and mobile application development. A strong business development professional with an OCJP Java certification. << /p>
August 2019 - Present
Working at my digital solutions start-up where I endeavored to identify new business opportunities including new markets, customers, products, and services, and negotiated and established rapport with both local and international clients. Furthermore, I oversaw staff recruitment and operations of the projects we undertook
October 2018 - June 2019
Experienced in Customer-Relationship Management (CRM) software to monitor customer interactions and data, to create automated marketing and customer support communications, and to organize vendor relationships. Manage customer concerns with the objective of maintaining positive customer relationships with the organization. Interact directly with customers to listen to concerns, resolve problems, and recommend products and services according to the needs of each individual through digital channels.
2020 - Present
2020 - Present
University of Colombo School of Computing
2018 - 2019